Tuesday, March 18, 2008

aNotHer miLeStoNe...

Today, I do something which Daddy & Mummy feel proud about me.

I can lunge forward. Yes, lunge forward like a rabbit. *Hee...*

Sunday, March 16, 2008

eRhmm... hOw'z My hAiRcUt??

Needs a haircut badly... Do we babies really go thru hair fall after 4mths??? Think I m going thru this. Having patches here n there...

See... The BEFORE & AFTER effect.



Por-Por is the hairdresser for the day... (>.<)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

cEreals r yuMmy...

I enjoy my cereals alot.

One of the evenings when I am having my rice cereals.

*yum yum...*