Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

OuR sWim - 30OcT08'

As usual, we rushed for swim after Daddy & Mummy reached home from work.

I tried out Kor-Kor's spaceship float and itz juz as fun as my Vroom Vroom float!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ArALyn's BirThdAy pArtY - 01OcT

01Oct is not just Children's Day, itz also Aralyn's birthday!
Happy Children's Day! Happy Birthday, Aralyn!

Mummy, Daddy and myself were invited over to Aralyn's birthday party. She has such a nice and fun party.

I saw lots of my fav. there... ELMO! Thatz the birthday party theme. Yeah!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

eAst CoaSt paRk dAy-Out

Yes! All of us @ home went to East Coast Park for a fun day-out again.

Howz mY oAkleY shAdeS??? CoOl??

This time round, we went around late noon to avoid the strong sunny sun in early noon. We spent more time @ the playground and it was so FUN!
Both Kor-Kor and I enjoyed ourselves very much trying out the slide.

As usual with our bicycle ride as Daddies & Mummies ferrying us and there goes our strong high-pitched rejection when itz time for us to get off the ride. Eekkkk.....ekkkk......

Monday, October 20, 2008

mY MumMy's BiRtHdaY - 20Oct

Happy Birthday, Mummy!
I gave Mummy a BIG kiss for her birthday, n she is so happy! Yeah!!!
It was Daddy's idea to dine out @ Fish & Co. Hehe... Daddy's favourite dine-out venue. It was a nice dinner and all of us enjoyed ourselves with a yummy dinner!

More pics when Mummy is done with the uploading...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

fUn @ eAst cOasT paRk!!!

It was such a fun-filled Saturday for all of us @ home. We set off for East Coast Park with aim to try out the bicycle ride.

Yes, my mummy & daddy have been looking forward to ferrying me in the bicycle ride @ East Coast Park.

Fun, Fun, Fun! Yeah!!!

Mummies & the Boys


wE lUv tHe bEacH!
oUr rIde

eE-Ee, KoR-KoR & mE

mUmmIes & piglEts' rIdecaN't heLp aS I dOzE ofF durinG oUr rIde. OopS...

Monday, October 6, 2008

dAyoUt - bOat riDe & S'pOre fLyeR

Itz such a wonderful Sunday! Mummy, Daddy, along with Gong-Gong n Por-Por brought me on a dayOut for boatride and 1st tryout on the Singapore Flyer. Yeah!!!
cOaCh riDe
bOat riDe
pOse wIf mErLiOn
StrEeTs - cLaRkE QuAy oUr tIxs

mY LitTLe sTepS

kAngAroO dAdDy...

gP pIc iN oUr cApSuLe

Thursday, October 2, 2008

dUeT cAugHt iN aCtiOn!

Yes, the duet gets caught again. This time round, they are taking an illegal ride! Ooopss...