Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm 9mThs oLd!

Hello, I am 9mths old today!

My milestones:
• Crawls well
• Stands while holding onto something
• Uses pincer grasp to pick up objects
• Cruises while holding onto furniture
• Bangs objects together
• Indicates wants with gestures
• Shakes head when Mummy says 'No'

My social & emotional development:
- I m beginning to understand simple requests. Mummy and rest of the adults say "No" when I try to touch the stuff on the living room's table etc. I'll pause and look at them.
- I also enjoy testing Mummy's responses to my behaviour. I'll throw my teethers/drinking cup on the floor just to see what Mummy will do. Then file Mummy's response in my memory bank Later I'll test the waters again to see whether Mummy reacts the same way. Sure enough, Mummy lets out the big 'No' again. Oopss...

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