1st half of the trial is much about songs & plays. Daddy did plenty of 'exercises' as he carried me as we got in rhythm & 'dance' along with the songs.
2nd half of the trial is Arts & Crafts. Luckily, mummy took me thru this session as itz far off way dangerous for me. The activity is to mix Shaving Foam with some red-coloured syrup to get a Pinky mixture with our bare hands. OMG! Yes, Shaving Foam...
I freaked out the moment when the Big apron dived down and hang over via my little shoulders. I disliked the feeling and hence, I retaliated & cried. Mummy was distracted and confused with wonders of why Shaving Foam is used for this activity. Considering the safety & toxicity of this Shaving Foam and the red syrup. I skipped the part on the Hands-on of the scary mixture.
Some of my friends got their clothes stained with that Pinky mixture. One of my friend accidentially tasted some of the mixture, Mummy almost dropped her jaw when she saw that. OMG! Luckily I freaked out as I rejected the wearing of the apron.
As for the cleanliness & hygenie factors, be it for the classroom, teachers, etc., itz juz so disappointing. Can u imagine one of the teacher's blue socks' sole are dark brown in colour? Such a yucky thing. As well, the teachers are not engaging enough whereby there is lack of passion for sharing & caring for young children.
Mummy is sure pissed with these unpleasant encounters met during this trial. Not to say even to consider signing for the classes.
Mummy Cherie,
A BIG thank you for taking time & effort to organise this trial class for us. Mummy & myself sure enjoyed meeting up with all of you! See you & Adri soon!
1 comment:
Hi, I just happened to see your comment on your trial at GUG. It's unfortunate you had a bad trial experience. I'm surprised as I have both kids in GUG for past 2 years and we really applaud their hygiene and cleanliness (that's honestly one of the reasons why we like and trust this school, the other reason is their curriculum.) Also, we've been here 2 years and for activities they always use safe items like non-toxic paints and food. So far they use whipped cream for art and craft(which my son loves!) and never shaving cream... so I'm surprised to read about your experience. Maybe shud give this school another chance. So far we've highly recommended GUG to many friends and colleagues, and they really like the school too :)
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