Sunday, November 30, 2008

NeW hAirdResseR...

Got a new hairdresser... Wendy Ee-Ee!

As the hair by the side is tickling my ears & disturbing me again, mummy decides to give me a haircut early this morning. Itz Mummy 1st try-out as my hairdresser.

Wendy Ee-Ee wakey juz in time and she took over the role since she is much experienced as compared to Mummy.

Mummy & Xunwu Kor-Kor are the entertainers as Ee-Ee gets on fast to have my hair cut done soonest.
Oops... I 'overstretch' Mummy's specs and it becomes the rubbish bin's PR (Permanent Resident). Poor thing...

Ee-Ee did a great job! Mummy has requested another haircut planned before Chinese New Year!

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